Tracking the roster (2015-2016)


Hall of Famer
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I'd say marko and Lockett. Kids tend to go into survival mode first. Band together, then get selfish and either stay or transfer. If none leave and Gilbert comes, could be best bonding experience money spent to go to Spain could buy.


4 years ago Mike Mo and Ryan apparently became the team leaders, keeping everyone (except Luke and Whack) together and keeping spirits high. Who on the roster does that this year? Marko I'd say is the closest thing we'd have to a leader who might try and step up. I guess we'll see.

good question... besides corey the only other vocal person on the team was Marko

Patriot Lawdog

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There might be some short term pain for the overall long term gain. I'm willing to let that happen to get this right.


Hall of Famer
So, if anyone gets TwitterersTweetTweets to the effect of "f**k George Mason. f**k them right up their stupid asses." Please post here and I will update player statuses.


Your infatuation of me is scary. I was right, you were wrong. Move on.
How were you right? How was firing him today any more classy than firing him yesterday?

But, now you propose to do whatever it takes to keep recruits. Doesn't sound very classy to me. But, since I obviously don't understand the rules of being classy as you do, I am trying to understand them as you do. Please explain so I can be as classy as you.

Or, is it that now you have been caught in a classy contradiction, you don't want to talk about being classy any longer?


How were you right? How was firing him today any more classy than firing him yesterday?

But, now you propose to do whatever it takes to keep recruits. Doesn't sound very classy to me. But, since I obviously don't understand the rules of being classy as you do, I am trying to understand them as you do. Please explain so I can be as classy as you.

Or, is it that now you have been caught in a classy contradiction, you don't want to talk about being classy any longer?

Don't you know by now he's the self-appointed standard of all Mason fandom?

dr. gunnie

Staff member
How were you right? How was firing him today any more classy than firing him yesterday?

But, now you propose to do whatever it takes to keep recruits. Doesn't sound very classy to me. But, since I obviously don't understand the rules of being classy as you do, I am trying to understand them as you do. Please explain so I can be as classy as you.

Or, is it that now you have been caught in a classy contradiction, you don't want to talk about being classy any longer?

I said the classy thing to do was to wait until all the players were back on campus and let Hewitt address them. Edwards decided to wait until the all the players were back on campus. I was right, you were wrong.

I never said I was classy - far from it. If I was classy I wouldn't call you a dbag... but see, I just did. Me = not classy. You = dbag. Got it?

My big worry now is finding a coach, because according to you we will never find one unless they hear about the job during the broadcast over the weekend.


You predicted the timing. I actually agreed that would like my be the timing. That has nothing to do with being classy or not. He could have held a team meeting whenever he wanted. It probably had more to do with Edwards being in NYC through yesterday as he was there for Roses induction into A10 legends. That is why I guessed today would be the day. See, I guessed the same date as you but it had nothing to do with your rules of being classy.

For the record, I don't think I have ever accused you of being classy (only that you were the holder of all knowledge on what is classy).

I have been, mostly, yanking your chain up to this point. But I am dead serious about the rest here.

I thought you are the one that was saying you want our school to be classy. I agree. We just disagree on how the timing of firing Hewitt would be classy. I see the Butler issue as potentially much bigger. He is an alumnus of the school, a former player and, as such, is considered a booster. Possibly even more important, he is an employee of our AD. There seems to be a potential grey area of the rules on him contacting a recruit (maybe it isn't even grey...). So, I don't understand supporting him doing whatever it takes. That could have much wider reaching consequences than how quickly we fired a coach that was deserving of it in everyone's mind (other than Butler's, evidently).

99 Patriot

Guys, not trying to overstep my bounds, but you need to hug it out and let bygones be bygones.

This is a day for celebrations, not Mason-on-Mason crime.

I disagree with Jim. Kumbaya singing, well-wishing, cheering for vcu in the tournament bullsh*t is what brought this program down. Back when Samnang and Thuc Phan hated each other, when GMUTom and Razor Ramon tried to kill one another, when Jollay tried to rape VCUBanana and when the Embrace the Hate Thread was the only one stickied, that's when we accomplished great things as a program. I say you guys elevate this fight and possibly even have it result in either a ridiculous bet or a duel of some sorts at a future game.


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4 years ago Mike Mo and Ryan apparently became the team leaders, keeping everyone (except Luke and Whack) together and keeping spirits high. Who on the roster does that this year? Marko I'd say is the closest thing we'd have to a leader who might try and step up. I guess we'll see.

Edwards is the most senior captain we have. This is still his team and he would gather all the guys and tell them to stay. Jenkins would be next in line I'd think.

I think Marko just isn't vocal enough for people to huddle around.