Still Waiting for Erik Copes


Hall of Famer
Unlike many (most) of the posters on this board, I still haven't given up on Erik Copes. While I fully understand and appreciate why he's considered a bust, I really don't believe there is a better option at the "5" this season (and likely next season), particularly defensively.

While I don't expect him to develop into a highly skilled offensive player, I still believe that he can be dominant defensively (and improve offensively) as he displayed as a freshman when he had 51 blocked shots in 405 minutes. He certainly appears quicker to me than last season when he played after hip surgery. Hopefully, he just needs more time after he foolishly earned a 6-game suspension.


What frustrates me about Copes (and the team, and the program) is the potential just not being realized. A decent big man coach who can teach discipline (and 2 or 3 good post moves) and this guy would be an absolute monster.

Instead he's getting suspended, defending sloppily, fouling out, pretty much a non-factor.

Copes is still preferred over J2, however.


He's a junior. He stinks. He will continue to stink until he doesn't anymore. Seems like a real mental midget. He couldn't score if he was all by himself out there. He might block some shots, but he's so slow that he'll never be able to stay on the floor as he's ALWAYS out of a position and 2 steps late. He stinks. This was the highest rated recruit in CAA history? My god. I don't know how to take that. CAA is a joke? He's a joke? Both? What a hot mess. lol


What frustrates me about Copes (and the team, and the program) is the potential just not being realized. A decent big man coach who can teach discipline (and 2 or 3 good post moves) and this guy would be an absolute monster.

Instead he's getting suspended, defending sloppily, fouling out, pretty much a non-factor.

Copes is still preferred over J2, however.

This is puzzling to me, too. Remember a guy named Mike Morrison? Weren't we all raving about his newfound offensive prowess after Hewitt's people got hold of him? He certainly seemed to learn a few things under this regime.


This is puzzling to me, too. Remember a guy named Mike Morrison? Weren't we all raving about his newfound offensive prowess after Hewitt's people got hold of him? He certainly seemed to learn a few things under this regime.

Well...there is a basketball brain or tow that say Morrison just finally matured instead got taught anything.

But seriously.....Im ready to hang Copes' jersey next to Birdsongs in the "What Might Have Been" gallery of the Patriots HOF.


This is puzzling to me, too. Remember a guy named Mike Morrison? Weren't we all raving about his newfound offensive prowess after Hewitt's people got hold of him? He certainly seemed to learn a few things under this regime.

Mike also had 3 years of Coach L and Ryan Pearson drawing pretty much every defender on the floor. Also Hewitt's first year here he didn't really run his system. He ran the "let Ryan Pearson win all your games for you" offense.

Five Two

⭐️ Donor ⭐️
Feinstein made a comment that Copes was still getting his "game legs" under him (or some similar phrase). Totally disagree with that. Its not like he was hurt and unable to practice/run/workout since the end of September. If anything, he should be more fresh than the rest of the team.

Cool Disco Dan

Sixth Man
For all of you who are excited for and talking up the defensive skill and hustle of the incoming recruits, remember that Copes was billed as that same type of player. I have more faith in the guys who aren't here yet (although that seems backwards), but just pointing out that it's not necessarily going to drastically change our team.

Sits w/ the band

Four-star Recruit
What frustrates me about Copes (and the team, and the program) is the potential just not being realized. A decent big man coach who can teach discipline (and 2 or 3 good post moves) and this guy would be an absolute monster.

Instead he's getting suspended, defending sloppily, fouling out, pretty much a non-factor.

Copes is still preferred over J2, however.

While both Dopes and J2 are bad, at least J2 has some offense. It's not much, but J2 has shown a nice mid-range jumper while Dopes continues to fire missiles off the back board.......awful! You're right about the big man coach..... so disappointing. Package deal came in together and now the package deal needs to go away together.


Hall of Famer
⭐️ Donor ⭐️
For all of you who are excited for and talking up the defensive skill and hustle of the incoming recruits, remember that Copes was billed as that same type of player. I have more faith in the guys who aren't here yet (although that seems backwards), but just pointing out that it's not necessarily going to drastically change our team.

Copes was very good defensively his freshman year. He wasn't quite the force his sophomore season before the concussion, but he was still light years ahead of this year so far.

I wonder what that suspension was all about, really...

I'm starting to think Hewitt has lost this locker room (possibly over the Arledge situation?). There is just no other explanation for the regression of so many of the players this year.


Copes was very good defensively his freshman year. He wasn't quite the force his sophomore season before the concussion, but he was still light years ahead of this year so far.

I wonder what that suspension was all about, really...

I'm starting to think Hewitt has lost this locker room (possibly over the Arledge situation?). There is just no other explanation for the regression of so many of the players this year.

Apparently the suspension was for skipping classes. Same thing he was suspended for last year so they doubled it. If the trend continues, he'll maybe make it in time for homecoming next year.

Also I'm wondering if the loss of Bennett has anything to do with the lack of team leadership. Paris wasn't a huge stat guy but people were always touting him as a "high basketball IQ" guy...someone who'd make a good coach someday. Not sure if it's the actual reason, but you're right about the locker room. This "team" somehow forgot to play TEAM basketball over the summer and Hewitt isn't doing a good job of re-learning them.


Hall of Famer
Apparently the suspension was for skipping classes. Same thing he was suspended for last year so they doubled it. If the trend continues, he'll maybe make it in time for homecoming next year.

I like Erik Copes, but I hope that the policy is 3 strikes and you're out.


Hall of Famer
⭐️ Donor ⭐️
For all of you who are excited for and talking up the defensive skill and hustle of the incoming recruits, remember that Copes was billed as that same type of player. I have more faith in the guys who aren't here yet (although that seems backwards), but just pointing out that it's not necessarily going to drastically change our team.

It's tough to get excited about incoming recruits when so many of the guys who have been with our current coaching staff for 2-3 years seem to be regressing. What was his one quote? "It's not about Xs and Os, it's about Moes and Joes." Dude, you've got to know what to do with your guys.

Leesburg Chankenstank III

⭐️ Donor ⭐️
Apparently the suspension was for skipping classes.

If that is true, then there is ZERO hope for Copes. How could you possibly skip classes and not expect to get caught? This shows he is a complete dumbass.

I was a scholarship football player at Marshall and each professor/instructor takes attendance of football players and reports it to an assistant EVERY DAY. The chance of getting caught skipping classes is 100%.

Some got caught once, which is stupid anyway, but NO ONE got caught twice. Copes just went full retard



Hall of Famer
Erik Copes currently has more personal fouls (26) than points (14) or rebounds (25).