Trying to Stay Positive


Hall of Famer
I've survived both the Ernie Nestor and the Paul Westhead era. And, I expect to survive the Paul Hewitt era. In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy watching the fundamentally sound basketball played by our A10 opponents.

I have not decided whether I will renew my season tickets. However, I am certain that I will not commit to more than 1 more season of the Paul Hewitt era.

Quentin Daniels

Hall of Famer
OK, I'll bite - the stay positive post.

If you look at the team's performance taking just the most recent games, then you have to be relatively happy. We've two wins in the last four games, including one dominant win over a strong UMASS team on their court. The St. Bonnie loss was ugly, but the loss to a top 10 program in overtime isn't anything to lose too much sleep over.


Hall of Famer
I've survived both the Ernie Nestor and the Paul Westhead era. And, I expect to survive the Paul Hewitt era. In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy watching the fundamentally sound basketball played by our A10 opponents.

I have not decided whether I will renew my season tickets. However, I am certain that I will not commit to more than 1 more season of the Paul Hewitt era.

Don't leave us Pablo!!

Mason never won more than 11 games a year in any of Westhead's 4 seasons. And in each of Nestor's last 2 years, we won only 7. If you could survive those years, how can you think of bailing now?


I am not renewing . . . though it is not for program performance issues. Living in Sterling and having a 1.5 yo makes it effing impossible to get to games.

I will be back though.


How's this for positive thinking...

Here's a neat thing I learned recently that many here probably already know. If you donate $500 to the program, you get free season tickets near the court along with access to the gold room before the game and at half-time.

I currently pay $200 for season tickets up top in row P and pay about $7 at mcdonalds before each game. At 14 home games, that's $100 in food for the season. So $300 for less than ideal seats and fast food for the season.

The $500 donation is tax deductible so you really only pay about $400. You get free alcohol and food before the game and free alcohol during half-time. Parking is also easier when you show up earlier to the game for the gold room. So $400 for nice seats, food, easy parking, and access to plenty of alcohol during the game.

I've been paying for season tickets for crap seats for about 6 seasons and nevered bothered to crunch the numbers. This is something that I will be upgrading to for next season for sure. Hope somebody learned something. As a side note, I visited the gold room for the SLU loss on a friends ticket and I have to say, that alcohol made that game 10x more enjoyable.


Staff member
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I admit that even me, who tries to see the bright spots in everything has had trouble staying positive lately. Sure we can point to the young talent who look to be solid and the fact that we're hosting and playing better talent than ever before. It just is extremely disheartening that every game just seems like Deja Vu. Its a lot for any of us to take.

With that said, I'm still dedicated to the program 100%, I'll be happy to renew my season tickets, and I will consider doing a better donation for next year to cover myself for pregame food and beer. It might be tough to watch the team this year (and even next), and the team may not get better until Hewitt is gone, but I'm not turning my back. The school made a dedication to becoming a better basketball program by moving to the A-10 and focusing on playing the best competition, and I plan on supporting as much as I can at this point in my life. That may change in the coming years, but I hope to continue my support in person while I still can as much as possible. Despite the continuous home losses this year, several of the games have been a lot of fun due to the nature of the opponent, and that will only continue going forward.

Thats about as positive as I can get for this thread:cool:


Hall of Famer
How's this for positive thinking...

Here's a neat thing I learned recently that many here probably already know. If you donate $500 to the program, you get free season tickets near the court along with access to the gold room before the game and at half-time.

While trying to stay positive, I believe that you are incorrect.


The A10 is predicted to put 5-6 teams in the ncaa tournament. That's about how many the power conferences like the ACC and Big East are expected to put in. I'd say that our team isn't doing all that terrible considering that they are a group of guys that were recruited to play in the 1 bid CAA. Lets just get a realistic grip on our expectations. We weren't going to step in and dominate a pretty good conference that seems to be playing out if its mind this year.


While trying to stay positive, I believe that you are incorrect.
Well, my friend that does it pays $500 per seat and gets all these benefits. Maybe It's a $400 donation and $100 for tickets, but the total amount does not exceed $500. He assured me of this multiple times because I didn't believe him.


Hall of Famer
The A10 is predicted to put 5-6 teams in the ncaa tournament. That's about how many the power conferences like the ACC and Big East are expected to put in. I'd say that our team isn't doing all that terrible considering that they are a group of guys that were recruited to play in the 1 bid CAA. Lets just get a realistic grip on our expectations. We weren't going to step in and dominate a pretty good conference that seems to be playing out if its mind this year.

This is true -- we're actually pretty close to being a mid-pack A-10 team, which is right where we were expected to finish.

But I, and many others, have pointed out that our problems with Hewitt go far beyond the on-court results from this season alone.

We'll see what Hewitt can do next season because expectations will be in the toilet. Maybe he'll surprise us all.


The problem with Mason's team (I was talking with a friend from GT) is that Hewitt's players are all awesome so each year has this great build up, only to ultimately be let down.


Hall of Famer

While trying to stay positive, I hope that you are not expecting your donation to be fully tax deductible.

The Great PATSby

⭐️ Donor ⭐️
Things that need to happen for next year...

I'm lobbying for TSG to return to the court. I think he's good luck. Plus these male cheerleaders with short arms and a 10 meter throwing radius aint cutting it.

Also lobbying for Big Red's return. I think she's good luck too.


Hall of Famer
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I followed this team from the ECAC days. I survived Nestor and Westhead and even during the crappiest of seasons, I cheered the team on. It is tough to watch right now but I won't penalize the team for it's deficient coaching.


Staff member
Pablo, I respect your decision to not renew your season tix. However, certainly you can agree that there is a HUGE difference in the level of play between the CAA and A10. I myself didn't think that there would be that big of a separation, but having seen the athleticism and skill on display during our home conference games, I firmly believe we would be a top 3 team in the CAA this year. This team is adjusting and figuring out what it takes to win in the Atlantic 10.

You can chalk some losses up to Hewitt's coaching, or the lack of execution of our players, but I firmly believe that the team that lost last night to Saint Louis would beat Delaware and Towson in the same situation. This is why I'll be renewing.