You're not wrong

But there is a guide...
OMG..... It actually exists. Thought Bigfoot ran off with it 30 years ago and used it as toilet paper.
Every clothing company who does business with Mason and wants to make clothes or any apparel should have this in stock and Mason's departments should MAKE SURE they abide by this color and branding guide before any merchandise gets released.
It's e-commerce managers/directors that oversee product SKU's at their companies. Any online database and platform they use to make products this should be stored in their databases.
If they do not abide by our standards.... that's on Mason's teams to hold their asses accountable and reject anything that does not come out correct. The sentiment seems that there has been no one at Mason to do this job and be ACCOUNTABLE and hold these companies to our standards for over 20 years.... how many shades of green are out there!?! It's a running joke.
This needs to be addressed with the new AD and actually have a team in place to make sure Adidas, Nike, Champion, etc. use this branding guide and these employees take accountability and do this job.