In Praise of CKE’s Accomplishments at George Mason


Hall of Famer
Now that I’m past the anger stage, I genuinely believe we’re eventually gonna look back fondly on KE’s tenure and realize his greatest contribution was holding up a mirror to the face of Mason’s administration and athletic department.

Too many of us have taken for granted that these folks all feel the same way we do about the basketball program and athletics in general.

The reality is Mason has never been willing to go all-in on athletics. Whether it’s complacency, incompetence or simply the natural inclination of academia to resist something they see as not central to the mission of a university, the AD has not been operated in a manner that suggests Mason is serious about competing at the top of the A-10.

But hiring KE was a turning point because he came from places that are proud to do big-time athletics and know how to do it in a first-class manner.

His willingness to point out the many shortcomings of Mason athletics, and the embarrassing lessons learned by watching him walk out the door after just 2 years, hopefully will result in the structural and philosophical changes needed to support a championship-level basketball program.

The fact that Dr W was able to put together what by Mason’s standards was a HUGE retention package, even at the 11th hour, should encourage all of us because it shows the problem is no longer a lack of financial resources.

Now we just need the people in charge to accept the aggressiveness they must operate with going forward so we don’t have this situation happen again.

Regardless of who the next coach is, I’m optimistic that they’ll be given every opportunity to be successful and KE will deserve a lot of credit for that.

Leesburg Chankenstank III

⭐️ Donor ⭐️
Now that I’m past the anger stage, I genuinely believe we’re eventually gonna look back fondly on KE’s tenure and realize his greatest contribution was holding up a mirror to the face of Mason’s administration and athletic department.

Too many of us have taken for granted that these folks all feel the same way we do about the basketball program and athletics in general.

The reality is Mason has never been willing to go all-in on athletics. Whether it’s complacency, incompetence or simply the natural inclination of academia to resist something they see as not central to the mission of a university, the AD has not been operated in a manner that suggests Mason is serious about competing at the top of the A-10.

But hiring KE was a turning point because he came from places that are proud to do big-time athletics and know how to do it in a first-class manner.

His willingness to point out the many shortcomings of Mason athletics, and the embarrassing lessons learned by watching him walk out the door after just 2 years, hopefully will result in the structural and philosophical changes needed to support a championship-level basketball program.

The fact that Dr W was able to put together what by Mason’s standards was a HUGE retention package, even at the 11th hour, should encourage all of us because it shows the problem is no longer a lack of financial resources.

Now we just need the people in charge to accept the aggressiveness they must operate with going forward so we don’t have this situation happen again.

Regardless of who the next coach is, I’m optimistic that they’ll be given every opportunity to be successful and KE will deserve a lot of credit for that.

We will be great. CKE will have zero to do with that other than leaving and making the way for Tony. You’ll see PC will tank the next 5 years.

The Great PATSby

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I'll point out what I believe and know to be wrong:

1. I was told he owned the his place, but I don't have proof, thought, he ABSOLUTELY DID move his family out here.

2. We all wanted him to hit the portal hard to fill in with the gaping holes that were left in our roster. Making that some sort of argument that he was planning on leaving is a little disingenuous. He also brought us our best ever commitment in his first season in Fernandez and a pretty good looking group of freshmen this coming year. Let's try to be fair and not cherry pick information.

3. While earlier in the year I would have said JO was 30 percent staying 70 leaving, I am pretty sure it was about 95% staying 5% leaving (maybe higher for staying) before this coaching change came along. There were serious discussions to make sure there was sufficient NIL money for Josh to make it an easy decision for him to stay.

All in all it doesn't seem like the actions of a coach that was planning to leave imminently just a couple of weeks ago. I have other data points on that as well, but I am not here to start a new blame session, just to correct the record as I know it on a person that I have a great amount of respect for.

I appreciate the info and clarification. My post was all just my personal theories and vibes I got from him. Guess it doesn't really matter at this point either way since he's gone. While his character and motives I'll always be skeptical on, I do think every Mason fan can agree on is that the school needs to step up their funding and devotion to sports which it seems like is the main reason behind his early exit.


Sixth Man
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I never want to hear #RockWithUs again. It always sounded like a slogan for an 80s classic rock FM station.
DJ voice "Traffic and weather on the eights, now here's Jethro Tull's Aqualung on 98.7 Power Rock...Rock With Us!" /DJ Voice

I liked the slogan, got the t-shirts but it's over with now. I'll probably box up the Mason gear I purchased during the CKE run and donate it or send it to relatives in the Philippines.


Hall of Famer
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Now that I’m past the anger stage, I genuinely believe we’re eventually gonna look back fondly on KE’s tenure and realize his greatest contribution was holding up a mirror to the face of Mason’s administration and athletic department.

Too many of us have taken for granted that these folks all feel the same way we do about the basketball program and athletics in general.

The reality is Mason has never been willing to go all-in on athletics. Whether it’s complacency, incompetence or simply the natural inclination of academia to resist something they see as not central to the mission of a university, the AD has not been operated in a manner that suggests Mason is serious about competing at the top of the A-10.

But hiring KE was a turning point because he came from places that are proud to do big-time athletics and know how to do it in a first-class manner.

His willingness to point out the many shortcomings of Mason athletics, and the embarrassing lessons learned by watching him walk out the door after just 2 years, hopefully will result in the structural and philosophical changes needed to support a championship-level basketball program.

The fact that Dr W was able to put together what by Mason’s standards was a HUGE retention package, even at the 11th hour, should encourage all of us because it shows the problem is no longer a lack of financial resources.

Now we just need the people in charge to accept the aggressiveness they must operate with going forward so we don’t have this situation happen again.

Regardless of who the next coach is, I’m optimistic that they’ll be given every opportunity to be successful and KE will deserve a lot of credit for that.

Part of it is still financial. Especially for other sports. It's time to raise the student fee to pay for upgrades to compete at not just the A10 level, but higher. Last I heard, our student fee was the lowest in the state. Just 50 bucks times 35k students is $1.7Million. These kids spend that at Starbucks in 2 days.


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Bottom line to me is did English leave the program in a better place than it was when he arrived? Since his departure will likely decimate our roster, the answer to me is a resounding NO!
I'll play a little Devil's advocate and argue that after landing CKE and even that we made a valiant effort to counter Providence, it has raised the Mason profile amongst prospective coaches.


⭐️ Donor ⭐️
I'll play a little Devil's advocate and argue that after landing CKE and even that we made a valiant effort to counter Providence, it has raised the Mason profile amongst prospective coaches.
Gotta agree with that.


Hall of Famer
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There are two types of job hoppers. The first type is someone who is good and is always searching for more money and better position. The other type is someone who jumps every two years just before it becomes obvious to all that he oversold himself. Not clear which type English is. We will find out in a few years.


⭐️ Donor ⭐️
Part of it is still financial. Especially for other sports. It's time to raise the student fee to pay for upgrades to compete at not just the A10 level, but higher. Last I heard, our student fee was the lowest in the state. Just 50 bucks times 35k students is $1.7Million. These kids spend that at Starbucks in 2 days.
Totally. Been saying this for 15 plus years... why haven't we upped the tuition to add in an additional student or athletic (call it what you will) fee to every student tuition to go directly to athletics as we are still one of the cheapest tuitions in all of VA for public colleges. I think the undergrad tuition rate is around $13,500 for a year. Tack on a minimal fee and we have money going towards athletics to use as needed.


Totally. Been saying this for 15 plus years... why haven't we upped the tuition to add in an additional student or athletic (call it what you will) fee to every student tuition to go directly to athletics as we are still one of the cheapest tuitions in all of VA for public colleges. I think the undergrad tuition rate is around $13,500 for a year. Tack on a minimal fee and we have money going towards athletics to use as needed.
It costs A LOT more than $13,500 for a good chunk of the student population to attend Mason. Factor in room/board, books, supplies, etc. it’s easily $30k for in-state and $50k out of state.

I do agree though, either add a nominal incremental fee or reallocate some of what they’re already receiving. I believe vcu did something similar to the latter for their practice facility.


Hall of Famer
It costs A LOT more than $13,500 for a good chunk of the student population to attend Mason. Factor in room/board, books, supplies, etc. it’s easily $30k for in-state and $50k out of state.

I do agree though, either add a nominal incremental fee or reallocate some of what they’re already receiving. I believe vcu did something similar to the latter for their practice facility.
They put a huge chunk of student fee money toward that project — it’s why they were able to build a $25M palace