Countdown to Hewitt's Next Longevity Bonus



Hall of Famer
In just 7 more days (March 1), Coach Hewitt will earn his 4th longevity bonus of $85,000 at Mason.

"Those close to the program, who requested anonymity because they are not permitted to speak on the matter, do not believe Edwards would dismiss Hewitt for the sake of saving $85,000. A decision, they said, would probably come after the season."
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Hall of Famer
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In just 7 more days (March 1), Coach Hewitt will earn his 4th longevity bonus of $85,000 at Mason.

"Those close to the program, who requested anonymity because they are not permitted to speak on the matter, do not believe Edwards would dismiss Hewitt for the sake of saving $85,000. A decision, they said, would probably come after the season."
That is such crap. They know they are going to fire him. Why wait? He did it to himself with the March 1 longevity date. Fire him NOW!


Hall of Famer
That is such crap. They know they are going to fire him. Why wait? He did it to himself with the March 1 longevity date. Fire him NOW!

I find it interesting that "Those close to the program" are commenting on this issue, albeit without attribution. IMO, this reflects just how this issue has galvanized Mason fans and AD personnel who know how wrong it would be to reward Coach Hewitt with another longevity bonus of $85,000.


I find it interesting that "Those close to the program" are commenting on this issue, albeit without attribution. IMO, this reflects just how this issue has galvanized Mason fans and AD personnel who know how wrong it would be to reward Coach Hewitt with another longevity bonus of $85,000.
That was almost my exact thought when reading the article. Kudos to Goff for covering this issue.


Hall of Famer
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In just 7 more days (March 1), Coach Hewitt will earn his 4th longevity bonus of $85,000 at Mason.

"Those close to the program, who requested anonymity because they are not permitted to speak on the matter, do not believe Edwards would dismiss Hewitt for the sake of saving $85,000. A decision, they said, would probably come after the season."

If it wasn't sad, it would be hilarious...In this article he says we can't score via the roster he created. I just think he giggles every time something bad happens to the program. He could care less.


Hall of Famer
If it wasn't sad, it would be hilarious...In this article he says we can't score via the roster he created. I just think he giggles every time something bad happens to the program. He could care less.

For what it's worth, I think you are wrong. I think these post game press conferences after yet another loss have to be torture for any professional, which he is. I'm not saying he is a good coach but having to go before reporters to comment on the team's and your own failure, is not something that anyone could giggle about. If it's any consolation to you, it can't be anything but tremendously painful.


Hall of Famer
If it wasn't sad, it would be hilarious...In this article he says we can't score via the roster he created. I just think he giggles every time something bad happens to the program. He could care less.


This is where we disagree. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Hewitt believed he'd be successful here. As upset and frustrated as we are, can you imagine how he feels? No one wants to fail, irrespective of whether he's financially secured.

I appreciate what he's done for the program off the court, but it's time to terminate his contract.


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He could care less.

wijg and gmubrian have both gone on record here saying that this is their biggest pet peeve, so I will beat them to the punch and say it's "couldn't care less."

Grammar police aside, I absolutely think Hewitt cares. He just can't get out of his own way to do something about it. He was going to make his money whether he succeeded here or not, and I'm sure he'd much rather have the adulation that come with success rather than being humiliated almost every time his team takes the court.


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Its either he doesnt care or he is not capable. Either way, we agree he needs to go.


wijg and gmubrian have both gone on record here saying that this is their biggest pet peeve, so I will beat them to the punch and say it's "couldn't care less."

Grammar police aside, I absolutely think Hewitt cares. He just can't get out of his own way to do something about it. He was going to make his money whether he succeeded here or not, and I'm sure he'd much rather have the adulation that come with success rather than being humiliated almost every time his team takes the court.
I've gotten to the point where I stop pointing out the misuse of the phrase and instead just point out when it is properly used since that is many fewer instances...

With that in mind, I applaud your instruction on the proper use of the phrase. ;)

Leesburg Chankenstank III

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If Hewitt really cared, why wouldn't he try something new? Why wouldn't he let his assistants take over the offense more? Why wouldn't he go completely against his own instincts approaching the program?

Does Hewitt care? Yes, he cares about doing things his way, even if is at the sake of a once successful basketball program and even at the sake of his own career.

I have zero sympathy for him and even less for TOC. f**k both of them at the donkeys they rode in on.


Preferred Walk-On
I don't feel "galvanized" by such a disgrace as having to fire our team's coach. This issue hasn't galvanized anybody but the Lunatic Fringe on this board.

The writing was on the wall -- the Admins, Hewitt, the coaches, the players, and Steve Goff (in that order) knew it weeks ago. Wasn't that clear after the last Goff article in January? I'm sure that the search committee has already been assembled, again, weeks ago. Now that it has come to the forefront in another W-Post article, complete with anonymous sources, you all can say, "All right!! I told Cabrera and Edwards to do this... give me a shiny gold star on my forehead."

You don't fire coaches mid-season unless they have done something totally unscrupulous. Coaches don't voluntarily leave mid-season unless they know they've done something shady and wish to minimize embarrassment on both sides by stepping down early. Other than that, and health/death issues, there are not too many reasons that remain for coaches' departing when there are games left to play. Even Ernie Nestor got more grace after Byron Tucker got kicked off the team, Craig Hodges walked off the court, Nestor beat up Henri Abrams on the sideline, and subsequently lost his players' will to play for him. Nestor lasted until that aweful season came to a close. No one pulled the plug early.

In the grand scheme of things $85k is not a lot of money to lose as opposed to the cost of the program's cultural damage created by firing a coach early because you, the Lunatic Fringe, want to save a relatively paltry sum. Not even Dan Snyder has done this (yet)! And his team has a woeful organizational culture.

Brad Edwards is a class act and he summed it up perfectly in today's article, “We evaluate everything at the end of the year. We SUPPORT OUR TEAMS AND COACHES [sic]. We will sit down at the end and ask, ‘Where are we? What do we have to do to improve?’ ” Thy will be done...

The program will go on. And if we want a positive start to next season, then let's offer the team some support NOW. All you fantasy ADs go home. Brad is running the show. I'm sure you will be happy come the Ides of March when the search committee is busy interviewing a replacement head coach. I will be happy as well. But right now, and always, I will support the team in any way I can.
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If Hewitt really cared, why wouldn't he try something new?

I'm going to go with a combination of arrogance and incompetence, which is why I agree with you that's it's impossible to have sympathy for the man. He should have learned at least three years ago that his offensive system wasn't going to work at this level (no future NBA-ers), but he kept digging the hole bigger and bigger by bringing in players who couldn't run it.


Hall of Famer
I believe that I've made a name for myself by being called the lunatic fringe by a ranting "son-of-a-gunston". BTW, even at my age, I don't need bold caps to read. And, FYI, the player who quit the team during a game was Craig Hodges (vice Erik Hodges).


Hall of Famer
I'm going to go with a combination of arrogance and incompetence, which is why I agree with you that's it's impossible to have sympathy for the man. He should have learned at least three years ago that his offensive system wasn't going to work at this level (no future NBA-ers), but he kept digging the hole bigger and bigger by bringing in players who couldn't run it.

Does the name "Paul Westhead" ring a bell? The bottom line is that Hewitt is not getting through to the players and the team is not improving. And, even a ranting "son-of-a-gunston" won't change this.


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Does the name "Paul Westhead" ring a bell? The bottom line is that Hewitt is not getting through to the players and the team is not improving. And, even a ranting "son-of-a-gunston" won't change this.

Hewitt's teams get worse as the year goes on. It's maddening. I'm now paying more attention to my D-III alma mater than Mason. Saw them play at Marymount the same weekend as GMU's opening games and they didn't look good. They ain't world beaters, but their play has improved throughout the year. Can't we at least get that back at Mason?

L's players improved through the season and throughout their careers.


I believe that I've made a name for myself by being called the lunatic fringe by a ranting "son-of-a-gunston". BTW, even at my age, I don't need bold caps to read. And, FYI, the player who quit the team during a game was Craig Hodges (vice Erik Hodges).
Hold on there Pablo, I am not going to let you be take all of the credit for being the lunatic fringe. I want to be, and assume I am, part of his reference since I have been as vocal as, or more than, you. I take a son-of-a-gunston tirade directed at me as a badge of honor.

If you want to know why, do a quick search of his posts. Most of them include an insult of most of us on here, or he is telling us how Hewitt out coached Kellogg in last year's win and we are going to start a winning streak (which we then lost two in a row...). I suspect the "son" is an employee of Mason in some manner (coach, AD, etc.).

I like how he criticizes us for being fantasy ADs and then proceeds to tell us how ADs behave. Pot, meet the kettle, once again...