Game 3: West Virginia, in Puerto Rico, Thursday Nov 20th, 7:30 PM, ESPNU


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More often than not last night, when the whistle blew, there was no 5 second huddle as most college teams do. There is zero leadership, from coaches to players.

This is going to be a long season. I look at these games as an escape from the real world for a few hours for a few months a year.

I noticed that too. Even with the game well in hand, WV huddled. During one stoppage in play in the second half WV huddled while we stood around waiting to shoot FT's.


I noticed that too. Even with the game well in hand, WV huddled. During one stoppage in play in the second half WV huddled while we stood around waiting to shoot FT's.

It was very apparent there was no strategy or teamwork. The first half (the only half I watched), it was the Patrick Holloway show. You give it to him, he runs the floor, attempts something, and then WV comes back the other way. There was no ball sharing, just the continued attempts to rush to the opposite end of the court for a quick jumper.


You dont reach this problem unless it's clearly a combination of both.

Like a bad relationship, we have reached that point where both sides could care less, are just going through the motions and are waiting for some outside catalyst to make a change.

I didnt see any great coaching or schemes, and I didnt catch any great individual effort that told me that a kid is still busting his a**. (Mind you I was relegated to the smallest and most distant TV at Buffalo Wild Wings since everyone else wanted football....and may have not seen the reality....)

It was just sad to see a team that looked "done" so soon...thought they might make it to mid A-10 before they gave up this year.


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More often than not last night, when the whistle blew, there was no 5 second huddle as most college teams do. There is zero leadership, from coaches to players.

This is going to be a long season. I look at these games as an escape from the real world for a few hours for a few months a year.

Seems like we're usually first out of the locker room at the half too. At least we were when I attended the Cornell/Princeton games. I'm probably nitpicking, but when your team plays losing basketball you notice these things.


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This game proves to me, once again, that Hewitt really doesn't know what real talent looks like and that he is not capable of recruiting on a national level. We were outmatched at every position. I get so tired of hearing what great "athletes" he gets, I'd rather he recruit kids who know the game. On top of recruiting inferior talent he just doesn't have a clue about how to prepare a game plan or execute one. In game adjustments? Not a clue there either. Last night was like watching a high school varsity team play an 8th grade AAU team. It will take us 3 -4 years after dipsh*t is gone to repair the damage that is currently being done.
So what you are saying is Hewitt would not see nor think much of the hidden talented types like a Luke Hancock, but marvels over Okajokes? If so, you have hit jackpot sir!


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I noticed that too. Even with the game well in hand, WV huddled. During one stoppage in play in the second half WV huddled while we stood around waiting to shoot FT's.

There was one correct coaching directive to build upon. While The Virus was talking to Jenkins and his teamate had fallen down, The Virus correctly coached Jenkins to go help his teammate. Then The Virus muted to spew some technical basketball jargan at Jenkins which lulled him to sleep. So thats one positive.


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Wow - 16-32. GMU must be the worst FT shooting team in the nation. Guys that stepped up to the line last night looked unfocused and seemed to lack concentration or something. My nephew's 5th grade team shoots better.


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Lamar cant critize The Virus. He'd get fired.

dr. gunnie

Staff member
So much to say, but I'll try and keep it brief:

This is not a good West Virginia team. I went to WVU before transferring to Mason and still follow them - this is an average BCS team. We used to beat average BCS teams in these tournaments... or at least keep it close.

I like our players, but this roster makes no sense as far as the way it is put together. At some point you would think it would be a good idea to snag a point guard or someone that can handle the ball against the press. I don't understand why we have a team full of forwards. Is he just hoping that one of them will be able to develop into a ball handler?

Low point for me was seeing Ahmad Gilbert's twitter feed where his boys were busting on him/us because of the game and posting pics of the score... all time low. We are now a punch line to recruits.


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You cant develop a killer instinct when your coach doesnt have one. The Virus kills all. Even Mike Morrison's fire started to dwindle.


You cant develop a killer instinct when your coach doesnt have one.
Did you hear when the broadcasters came very close to criticizing Hewitt outright (and then backed off)? They said how the team takes on the demeanor of the coach while talking about WVU and their intensity. Then they pointed out that someone on our team screwed up (I forget who due to the shear volume...) and Hewitt patted him on the back in a "its OK" type of gesture. Then they seemed to realize they were ripping on Hewitt and started to back pedal.


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Low point for me was seeing Ahmad Gilbert's twitter feed where his boys were busting on him/us because of the game and posting pics of the score... all time low. We are now a punch line to recruits.

Our only hope with Gilbert is that he sees an opportunity to play a lot for a bad team rather than riding the pine or getting limited minutes for a good team. And considering that the coach that recruited him is on the hot seat, even that best hope is a long shot.


Low point for me was seeing Ahmad Gilbert's twitter feed where his boys were busting on him/us because of the game and posting pics of the score... all time low. We are now a punch line to recruits.

Wow. Just checked this out...that really sucks.
You guys act like you are surprised. I predicted an 0-5 start. We lucked out against Princeton. It's gonna get a lot worse before it gets better. We have no talent in the back court. NONE. Patrick Holloway can score buckets, but I'm over his arrogance. Quit celebrating your shots and get your team in the game. Honestly, I hope and pray Hewitt gets fired by the end of December. They say firing coaches mid-season does nothing. I disagree, it will allow us to attract/recruit a top notch coach. Even Coach Kreider looked dejected on the sidelines last night. We looked worse than a High School team. The smartest person was Scott Lombardi, who saw the writing on the wall and got out at the perfect timing. The fact is, GMU Basketball is an absolute joke of a program right now.


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So much to say, but I'll try and keep it brief:

This is not a good West Virginia team. I went to WVU before transferring to Mason and still follow them - this is an average BCS team. We used to beat average BCS teams in these tournaments... or at least keep it close.

I like our players, but this roster makes no sense as far as the way it is put together. At some point you would think it would be a good idea to snag a point guard or someone that can handle the ball against the press. I don't understand why we have a team full of forwards. Is he just hoping that one of them will be able to develop into a ball handler?

Low point for me was seeing Ahmad Gilbert's twitter feed where his boys were busting on him/us because of the game and posting pics of the score... all time low. We are now a punch line to recruits.

Kind of funny considering Hewitt lecturing fans for critical internet commentary. Didn't he say that a recruit was almost lost due to it? Dude, the downward trajectory you've got the GMU ball program on is driving them away. I agree, he's not recruiting the right one's anyway - a team full of forwards doesn't make sense.


Our main problem (outside of the obvious) is we have one physical player and he seems to always get himself into foul trouble. Jalen needs to realize that he is our most important player and can't keep committing these stupid fouls. It's obvious he is trying to carry the team (and probably needs to) but he needs to play smart because he can't help us if he is on the bench with 2 fouls in the first half almost every single game.

Quentin Daniels

Hall of Famer
So my half-full moment is, at least we aren't looking like a middle of the pack finish. My biggest concern is that Paul Ball would do just enough to keep his job and show some unfulfilled promise as the program become more and more cemented in mediocrity like he did at Tech.

These results at least leave no doubt of what needs to be done; rip off the bandage and start over.

That said, I'm not in favor of a December firing - give him full opportunity to either right the ship or to walk the plank. It's not as if an programs are going to give permission for us to start interviewing coaches mid-season anyway.

dr. gunnie

Staff member
That said, I'm not in favor of a December firing - give him full opportunity to either right the ship or to walk the plank. It's not as if an programs are going to give permission for us to start interviewing coaches mid-season anyway.

Agree... I would like to fire him after the St Louis game on the Feb 28th so we don't have to pay him the $85,000 longevity bonus on March 1st. If he's still here March 1st, I will be scratching my head.