Game 20: HOMECOMING. GMU (14-5 / 3-3) vs Rhode Island (9-10 / 3-3) on Saturday, January 27, at 4:00PM.


A few takes from a middle-aged alumna with kids...
Pregame: Loved the energy in the tailgate crowd. Had to answer a lot of awkward questions from my kids, but is about education, right? I do miss the indoor tailgate option, particularly the alumni-owned brewery/distillery/wine garden. We were glad to get over to Oh George and see @Patriotsince81 and a few others. It definitely seems like it's become the away team bar of choice.

In Game: Gold Room is one small child away from a wall collapse. (dead horse, beaten)
WTF is up with the salt on the pretzels? Are they trying to kill off all the older alumni by hardening our arteries? Was glad to have some Gold Room access so we only bought one $14 beer as opposed to multiple. Student energy was great compared to recent years - especially appreciated that the Maniaks organized well enough that they flipped the spinning heads to the opposite end at halftime. I was a little sad to not get as much Green Machine as we have in the past. The friends around us (lower 101) said that they were glad we were there, and that that section is usually pretty empty (or, full of vcu fans during that game). I can't really add much to the team performance, but one thing that really stuck out was Jalen Haynes. The man didn't sit. I cannot wait to have him on the court in uniform. Also, kudos to the fans giving the opposing bench the business the entire game. Y'all didn't quit.


WTF is up with the salt on the pretzels? Are they trying to kill off all the older alumni by hardening our arteries?
As a seasoned EBA pretzel consumer you either get enough salt to package it and sell it 2nd hand or you get none at all, and your pretzel is more like a horrible dry lump of awful bread. There is no in between, but if you average it out then all the pretzels have the right amount of salt.

I found that telling the attendant which pretzel you wanted, specifically, usually helped.

Jack Strop

⭐️ Donor ⭐️
It's not just the permit cost itself. It's the costs of complying with all the state regulations to operate under the permit. You have to set up a controlled perimeter. Which means paying people to post signs and set up and take down barriers or other control mechanisms, paying people to monitor the perimeter during the event, in GMU's case, paying for extra police to be on standby if something gets out of hand, etc. This is pretty widely encountered among anyone who organizes outdoor events in Virginia that include alcohol, athletics or otherwise. It probably was costing student activities at least a grand for each game they did it (for a tiny turnout), and I'm sure it's well into 5 figures for Homecoming.

Just do an unofficial tailgate, folks. Seriously.
Who's gonna bring the Porta-Potties???


⭐️ Donor ⭐️
As a seasoned EBA pretzel consumer you either get enough salt to package it and sell it 2nd hand or you get none at all, and your pretzel is more like a horrible dry lump of awful bread. There is no in between, but if you average it out then all the pretzels have the right amount of salt.

I found that telling the attendant which pretzel you wanted, specifically, usually helped.
Salted pretzel is the go to for my 4 year old, but we typically have to ask for and then wait for a salted pretzel to be available and then I scrape off the really salty parts for him to play with the salt like a mini-sandbox once he is done eating 2% of the $8 pretzel.