Gameday Experience


Alcohol is the answer my friends. What does every rowdy crowd have in common? They’re all drunk.

The lack of off campus housing in walking distance really hurts. RA’s are too serious about drinking in the dorms. It’s too cold to really tailgate. Crowd lights are too bright.

DC is an event town. Can’t have an event without alcohol. Mason’s just the same.
Hi - current student and longtime lurker here! This is in response to the discussion about the student section in this thread + the UMass thread.

I've been super frustrated with the other students in the student section these past 2 months. The past 2-3 home games, especially, the student section has been HORRIBLE. There are so many issues causing this: like some idiots sitting in the 5th-6th row yelling at those of us standing up and cheering to sit down. Attendance has been solid compared to the past couple of years, but the students showing up are just coming with their friends and talking about their day, not even watching the game.

The main issue has been leadership. The best games have been the ones where a solid group of students (usually the RA's) have led the chants, and everyone joins in. This made the Fordham game really fun and loud (from my point of view, at least). After the Fordham game, the marketing team reached out to several students to form a "G Force Leadership team" but never had the first meeting they promised.

I would like to start doing something about this and I'm open to any suggestions you all have. I think a good start would be to make the "chant sheets" and put them on seats/pass them out before games. Of course, I'd need your help with chant suggestions whether they're traditional or new ones. I'll reach out to the marketing team to get something going for the homecoming game and then we can take it from there for the future.

I'd also be interested in the By George street team if you guys are doing something similar. I just really don't want to waste our team finally getting good and want to do something about the garbage support at home games.


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Does anybody remember the humor newspaper The Expulsion (are they still around)? They were totally student run, got no real help from the university other then you can distribute your papers on campus and they were around for a pretty long time — had a line of succession for the editorial staff etc.

I honestly think a student group needs to do something similar and outside of the official university in order for a real culture to develop (sort of like the formation of By George and this forum).


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Hi - current student and longtime lurker here! This is in response to the discussion about the student section in this thread + the UMass thread.

I've been super frustrated with the other students in the student section these past 2 months. The past 2-3 home games, especially, the student section has been HORRIBLE. There are so many issues causing this: like some idiots sitting in the 5th-6th row yelling at those of us standing up and cheering to sit down. Attendance has been solid compared to the past couple of years, but the students showing up are just coming with their friends and talking about their day, not even watching the game.

The main issue has been leadership. The best games have been the ones where a solid group of students (usually the RA's) have led the chants, and everyone joins in. This made the Fordham game really fun and loud (from my point of view, at least). After the Fordham game, the marketing team reached out to several students to form a "G Force Leadership team" but never had the first meeting they promised.

I would like to start doing something about this and I'm open to any suggestions you all have. I think a good start would be to make the "chant sheets" and put them on seats/pass them out before games. Of course, I'd need your help with chant suggestions whether they're traditional or new ones. I'll reach out to the marketing team to get something going for the homecoming game and then we can take it from there for the future.

I'd also be interested in the By George street team if you guys are doing something similar. I just really don't want to waste our team finally getting good and want to do something about the garbage support at home games.
Good on you for not being a typical shitty, apathetic student. There will be some opportunity to get other students hooked on the gameday atmosphere, as the student section should be packed in 2 of the next 3 games. Chants are good but look lame if no one is leading them correctly. As for the people telling you to sit down, tell them to shove it. I'm pretty sure that section on the pull out metal stand behind the basket is standing allowed, or at least it was when I was there not long ago.


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Love that it also served the purpose of educating the students on Duke basketball history.

If you and a group of other students start doing this, you have to bring in some underclassmen under your wing to carry on the tradition after you graduate. We need continuity, which is what are lacking right now, feeding from the students who then become alumni who then become season ticket holders who then know and understand how the chants work. It'll take a good 3-5 seasons, but it'll be worth it from a crowd perspective.


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Hi - current student and longtime lurker here! This is in response to the discussion about the student section in this thread + the UMass thread.

I've been super frustrated with the other students in the student section these past 2 months. The past 2-3 home games, especially, the student section has been HORRIBLE. There are so many issues causing this: like some idiots sitting in the 5th-6th row yelling at those of us standing up and cheering to sit down. Attendance has been solid compared to the past couple of years, but the students showing up are just coming with their friends and talking about their day, not even watching the game.

The main issue has been leadership. The best games have been the ones where a solid group of students (usually the RA's) have led the chants, and everyone joins in. This made the Fordham game really fun and loud (from my point of view, at least). After the Fordham game, the marketing team reached out to several students to form a "G Force Leadership team" but never had the first meeting they promised.

I would like to start doing something about this and I'm open to any suggestions you all have. I think a good start would be to make the "chant sheets" and put them on seats/pass them out before games. Of course, I'd need your help with chant suggestions whether they're traditional or new ones. I'll reach out to the marketing team to get something going for the homecoming game and then we can take it from there for the future.

I'd also be interested in the By George street team if you guys are doing something similar. I just really don't want to waste our team finally getting good and want to do something about the garbage support at home games.

Welcome! Glad to hear from this era of student.

Unfortunately you’re going to get people who don’t want to stand the entire time until it’s the culture of the student section again. It’ll take a while, but it’s harder to influence when it’s only 5 rows and 2 rows want to sit.

I agree the issue is leadership. You have to find the same 5-10 students who want to attend every game and create the culture. It happened organically during many of our tenors here, but it was killed off (you’ve probably seen it in detail written here).

In addition as far as chants they don’t have to be that creative but a sheet would go a long way. Even having the left right left chant on the paper is fine. Or you can’t do that. Anything to drown out shoot for 2.

My biggest gripe is even just having everyone wear gold. Having 500 students in gold creates a nice look on tv and pictures.

Also I remember the expulsion my freshman year. Been a long time since anyone mentioned that paper.

I can’t see any of this being resolved until the program is winning for a few years but hey better to start now.


Hall of Famer
Until Mason starts winning on a consistent basis, they need clever gimmicks to bring fans to the games. I think they should focus their marketing around the half time show. It works for the Super bowl, why not college athletics.

Some of my lame idea includes;

- They could incorporate whatever show is going to EBA. When the circus comes to town they could bring a lion in to do tricks. (I know the circus does not come any more. Just an example.)

-Fraternity basketball instead of 9 year olds.

- The Performing Arts students could do a scene from a play.

- green machine does a marching band type thing.

I envision them focusing their marketing efforts on the half time show opposed to the actual game. “Come out to EBA to see a sneak peak of the Circus during the Mason BBall halftime”


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Until Mason starts winning on a consistent basis, they need clever gimmicks to bring fans to the games. I think they should focus their marketing around the half time show. It works for the Super bowl, why not college athletics.

Some of my lame idea includes;

- They could incorporate whatever show is going to EBA. When the circus comes to town they could bring a lion in to do tricks. (I know the circus does not come any more. Just an example.)

-Fraternity basketball instead of 9 year olds.

- The Performing Arts students could do a scene from a play.

- green machine does a marching band type thing.

I envision them focusing their marketing efforts on the half time show opposed to the actual game. “Come out to EBA to see a sneak peak of the Circus during the Mason BBall halftime”

I actually really like some of these ideas. You should definitely share them with athletics.

That said athletics has been trying ticket deals of all sorts for the past month or so. So they are definitely trying but some of these outside of the box ideas are interesting and unique. Worth a conversation.
Welcome! Glad to hear from this era of student.

Unfortunately you’re going to get people who don’t want to stand the entire time until it’s the culture of the student section again. It’ll take a while, but it’s harder to influence when it’s only 5 rows and 2 rows want to sit.

I agree the issue is leadership. You have to find the same 5-10 students who want to attend every game and create the culture. It happened organically during many of our tenors here, but it was killed off (you’ve probably seen it in detail written here).

In addition as far as chants they don’t have to be that creative but a sheet would go a long way. Even having the left right left chant on the paper is fine. Or you can’t do that. Anything to drown out shoot for 2.

My biggest gripe is even just having everyone wear gold. Having 500 students in gold creates a nice look on tv and pictures.

Also I remember the expulsion my freshman year. Been a long time since anyone mentioned that paper.

I can’t see any of this being resolved until the program is winning for a few years but hey better to start now.

I agree 100% regarding leadership. It starts with forming a small group of dedicated students who can then spread the hype to others. This is what the marketing team tried to do with GForce last month, but after their initial email, they completely ghosted everyone. I think we're just gonna have to start it ourselves.

They try to get the t-shirt thing going with the Green Game and Gold Game but it never works. I think part of the reason is that they pass out t-shirts at the front rather than put them on seats before the game. I've noticed that it works in college/NBA when they're placed on the seats before the game. I don't know how they deal with the sizing issue.

One idea I had was having students hold up sheets of paper/signs with a color/design on them and it'd make a huge mural. They do this in European soccer a lot and I think it'd definitely work for something like the homecoming game and senior night when we have a solid crowd. This idea was inspired by Dortmunds "Yellow Wall."

I'm definitely going to reach out to someone and see if we can get some ideas going to at least have a great homecoming. It's usually a packed student section and it's going to be an important game - gotta make sure we take advantage of that.


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One idea I had was having students hold up sheets of paper/signs with a color/design on them and it'd make a huge mural. They do this in European soccer a lot and I think it'd definitely work for something like the homecoming game and senior night when we have a solid crowd. This idea was inspired by Dortmunds "Yellow Wall."
I've always thought that having a European soccer vibe to the student section would be unique. Let the greek orgs wave their flags (recruiting plus for them), other students could wave Mason flags, students could hang banners over the rails. Putting gold scarves on the chairs before games would solve any sizing issues and students could hold them up during our free throws or wave them around during opponents. People would probably be more prone to chant too.

Idk maybe I'm way wrong and it would be a fail, but anything is better than what's going on in the student section now.

The Great PATSby

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Hell f*cking yes. Although they'd have to make sure frats wouldn't include the brawls they used to.

Even when there's peace between the fraternities shit still hits the fan. This is an oldie but goodie... DAMN PROUD!!!!!
