Game 13: Penn, Jan 2nd, 7:30 PM, NBCSN



I caught some of the game tonight on TV. Looked like no one was there, as usual. Call me crazy, which I know a lot of you will, but one word comes to mind when I watch G Mas basketball. Apathy.


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Yes, the crowd was underwhelming as has become the case. A poor effort in a real bad win against a 2 - 8 team pretty much sums up the evening. We could be the dumbest team I have ever seen.

The Great PATSby

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Great thing I saw tonight after Johnny missed 4 big free throws and took the bench...

PH, the only player sitting with J2 talking to him for a good minute. You can tell by his gestures and hand movements that he was giving him free throw shooting advice and telling him to keep his head up and be positive.

Not only has PH transformed into a great player which I hope to see on a consistent basis, but he's beginning to become a leader which this team desperately needs.


Great thing I saw tonight after Johnny missed 4 big free throws and took the bench...

PH, the only player sitting with J2 talking to him for a good minute. You can tell by his gestures and hand movements that he was giving him free throw shooting advice and telling him to keep his head up and be positive.

Not only has PH transformed into a great player which I hope to see on a consistent basis, but he's beginning to become a leader which this team desperately needs.

I like PH. Always have. He has limitations, but he's fearless. However, Williams is a joke. And he's a 5th year guy? Good grief dude. Get a sack.


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I caught some of the game tonight on TV. Looked like no one was there, as usual. Call me crazy, which I know a lot of you will, but one word comes to mind when I watch G Mas basketball. Apathy.

The opponent wasn't a great draw and the 7:30 start didn't help, but the biggest issue aside from the students being on break was the weather. I live in Loudoun County, and the schools were canceled tomorrow before our game even started.


The opponent wasn't a great draw and the 7:30 start didn't help, but the biggest issue aside from the students being on break was the weather. I live in Loudoun County, and the schools were canceled tomorrow before our game even started.

Tom, come on man, if the product was quality, people would post regardless of opponent, if school is in session, if it's flurrying, etc.. My pt. was to say that the crowds are rarely ever good and I don't blame them for staying away.


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PMP, I gave you four very good reasons why the crowd was poor. It goes without saying we aren't playing great, but feel free to spin the attendance anyway you want.


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Our attendance was never great when the program was contending for conference titles and NCAA bids. No reason why it would improve now.


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I was at the game, and there were more people than I thought there would be. There is a always a drop when the students are on break, and of course the snow didn't help matters. I think the 7:30 start was a blessing in disguise that the schedule makers didn't see coming at the time. It allowed people to take their time driving to the Patriot Center.

At least everyone that was there got a free Chic-Fil-A sandwich for hitting 80 points. That may be the only time this happens all season.

Sherrod does need to wake up. When Corey is on the floor, when a foul gets called, he is the one to get the team together for a 10 second huddle.

I wanted to look at Johnny's FT percentage this season (free throws attempted/made) when I got home, and it is 18-32 .563 (including tonight's game). We got 34 points off the bench tonight to Penn's 9.


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J2 is an embarrassment. How this guy is still starting is beyond me. Jenkins and Marko should be starting. I'd even start Copes over J2.

He's a 5th year Senior who can't make crucial free throws when we need him to step up. Plus he has no inside game. A lay-up for Johnny is too complicated. A real Coach would pull his arse and sit him immediately. The ship has sailed on J2.... give his minutes to Jenkins and Copes.

Why wasn't Marko in the game in the final 2 minutes? Hewitt is a moron. He almost pissed this game away by not pulling J2.

Sherrod clearly has something on his mind other than basketball. Hope he works it out soon.


Phew, that would have been an awkward loss to explain. Guess we can chalk up another 3 point or less victory, hooray clutch!

Anyway, one thing that got me all bitter was our bigs and their defense. Continually all night, Im watching usually Copes be drawn away from the basket to try and face up either a guard or their man and then as no surprise, when they get blown by the other forwards who are on the box just stare the guy down as he scores and dont even flinch to get in the paint. No concept apparently of sliding in to defend a wide open bucket. This happened alot last night.

To me, we must seriously look at booting Hewitt after this year. It wont happen, but were getting to the point where everything is going down the tubes and everything is regressing at a rapid rate. Its clearly not entirely his fault, but somethings got to give and we need a giant shakeup. With the seniors rolling out, Hewitt should follow them. Would love to be able to keep Lockett and Mayimba, but Im not sure if its worth the damage to keep Hewitt another year.
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Also, I feel that we are the first basketball team to deploy the "Prevent Offense" and "Prevent Defense" from the NFL later in games.

You know that style that is supposed to eliminate the big play with a lead, or milk the clock....but all it exclusively does is allow a team to march right down the field and seemingly score at will and all of the sudden you have lost your lead? Yeah, that. Just like they say, all it does is prevent you from winning.

Five Two

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Why wasn't Marko in the game in the final 2 minutes? Hewitt is a moron. He almost pissed this game away by not pulling J2.
I thought Marko hurt his back when Allen drove to the basket for an and-one. Marko came off the floor holding his back and never returned.

That still doesn't excuse when J2 was in the game. There is no reason we couldn't have used a 4 guard line up at the end when we they were going to foul.


Until I see something to change my mind, here is my starting 5 moving forward:



i hate that this would have been a positive game if it wasn't for the last two minutes. Up to that point, i was pretty happy- but left with a feeling of "we suck". Even a stat that had been a HUGE positive in the game (free throws) ended with us absolutely blowing them.

Seriously a team is never out against us.


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Phew, that would have been an awkward loss to explain. Guess we can chalk up another 3 point or less victory, hooray clutch!

Anyway, one thing that got me all bitter was our bigs and their defense. Continually all night, Im watching usually Copes be drawn away from the basket to try and face up either a guard or their man and then as no surprise, when they get blown by the other forwards who are on the box just stare the guy down as he scores and dont even flinch to get in the paint. No concept apparently of sliding in to defend a wide open bucket. This happened alot last night.

To me, we must seriously look at booting Hewitt after this year. It wont happen, but were getting to the point where everything is going down the tubes and everything is regressing at a rapid rate. Its clearly not entirely his fault, but somethings got to give and we need a giant shakeup. With the seniors rolling out, Hewitt should follow them. Would love to be able to keep Lockett and Mayimba, but Im not sure if its worth the damage to keep Hewitt another year.

It would seem easier to close out on a shooter than it would to try to slide in late on a player cutting to the basket, but that's just me. You'd think your center would be protecting the basket, not out on the perimeter trying to guard a decoy.


It would seem easier to close out on a shooter than it would to try to slide in late on a player cutting to the basket, but that's just me. You'd think your center would be protecting the basket, not out on the perimeter trying to guard a decoy.

Well thats my thing, there is no anticipation. I can see that Copes is out of position and going to get toasted and would think maybe the forward would slide in a bit to protect the rim in case he does in anticipation......multiple times last night Jenkins and Marco sat there not moving watching Copes extend out there, the guy blow past him....and go in for a wide open layup as not even flinch as if they were anchored to the box.

The other thing like you said, I have no idea why Copes is doing that...whether its the scheme or him. You learn that from a very young age, why is Copes not just roaming through the paint like Gandalf not letting anybody pass....but instead he is doing his best Patrick from Spongebob impression chasing jellyfish out to the perimeter and getting toasted like hes Josh Wilson.