Improve Mason home game experience discussion

Jack Strop

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I HATE our lame a$$ fans. What a pathetic sh%t show tonight. Embarrassing on all counts. I don't know why I expect it to get better.
Dude, am I glad you said that. I thought I was going deaf and simply couldn't hear the whimper of the crowd. But, when it comes to Mason fans, I do hate it when I find out that my ears are just fine. YEEEEESH!


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I hate that we could hear the Dayton fans a few times because our fans were silent. And I hate that one time near the end the whole place was finally actually yelling De-fense but couldn't bother to do that at any other time during the game.


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Mason fans will need a year or two along with alot of winning to come out. I think CKE can handle it. Especially if he brings some some bigger names to EBA.

dr. gunnie

Staff member
I hate the makeup of our fans. You have a small handful of diehards - mostly us in the boards. You have solid group of students that show at times, but with school out they are a no show. And then you have a large group of northern Virginia fans who are sports fans and might come to a game or two when things are good, but no chance in hell are going to come to a game over the NFL playoffs. The question is how do you get those local sports fans out even when there is no NFL on (and these are never going to be your loud during the game fans)?

You need loud students mixed with just local bodies to fill seats. I would be giving away $5 seats to every youth league basketball team family within 30 miles of Fairfax. I know we have been offering decent ticket deals, but we got to go to them. Contact every youth basketball commissioner and get in their ear. My $.02


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What is the make up of other good fan bases? We have students just like them. We have the casuals. What we don't have is the 35 to 50 yr Olds who are still die hards and remain in the area. Alot of our problem is alot of transplants coming in and not enough casual fans becoming loyal enough. Probably why the good seats are empty due to them being corporate owned. Compare that to say Richmond or Dayton's geographic reach along with pro teams in the area, and maybe you get an understanding of the demographics. The only thing that would change or increase Mason's seat value, imo, is big wins. At home. And ncaa tourney wins. Peope here want big time. Former President Johnson understood this but couldn't execute it bc his idea was, unfortunately, Paul Westhead and making the Lakers version of Showtime in college. Subsequently, Dr. Merten knew how find a winner in Coach L but then failed to capitalize on athletic successes. TOC ruined us with what was truly our first battle with a campus pandemic. People wonder why Mason hasnt had any huge outbreaks of Covid??? Bc we are used to dealing WITH viruses..aka The Virus, ( Hewitt for you youngins).....anyway, we know the rest as the mediocrity continued with DP. People complain about fans sitting on their hands ...well yes but when has the school given them something to reach for? The Coach L days the program was secretly part of the 'side door' and that was a huge missed opportunity. I hope another cycle of winning emerges like 2006, but the school is smart enough to capitalize on it while understanding it's demographics.


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I hate the hate thread violations but I get the hate going on even with the violation.

That said, I hate this problem and I have no idea what the solution is. Unfortunately, in addition to the usual issues, you now have a global pandemic which also probably creates hesitation amongst people.

I could only imagine what the crowd for the makeup game on Monday night will be. 1500? 2000?

Hopefully folks start showing up a little bit more. Afterall Mason is 6-1 at home this year.

I hate that Mkaufman didn’t just make a new thread and move these fan posts over to it so the hate thread can get back to proper hate.


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I hate that I agree after a win, but what specifically are you thinking of?
I hate that I was surrounded by Dayton fans.
I hate that Mason season ticket holders near me don't attend the games more often than not.
I hate that they compound the problem by then selling their tickets to visiting fans.
I hate we only had 3,000 + on a Saturday night and that a good 1,000 were from Dayton.
I hate that Mason fans still sit on their hands or spend time on their phones.
I am really going to hate Feb. 12 when EBA is filled with fat, slovenly, ignorant, and obnoxious vcu fans.


I hate that I was surrounded by Dayton fans.
I hate that Mason season ticket holders near me don't attend the games more often than not.
I hate that they compound the problem by then selling their tickets to visiting fans.
I hate we only had 3,000 + on a Saturday night and that a good 1,000 were from Dayton.
I hate that Mason fans still sit on their hands or spend time on their phones.
I am really going to hate Feb. 12 when EBA is filled with fat, slovenly, ignorant, and obnoxious vcu fans.
I hate that I honestly don't understand about 90% of the season ticket holders that attend games regularly. They look like they have some forced obligation to be there


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I hate that I was surrounded by Dayton fans.
I hate that Mason season ticket holders near me don't attend the games more often than not.
I hate that they compound the problem by then selling their tickets to visiting fans.
I hate we only had 3,000 + on a Saturday night and that a good 1,000 were from Dayton.
I hate that Mason fans still sit on their hands or spend time on their phones.
I am really going to hate Feb. 12 when EBA is filled with fat, slovenly, ignorant, and obnoxious vcu fans.
I hate all those same things.

I also hate that our fans act like they are at church during games, but are FULL of energy and loud in the gold room. Last night when Simpkins, the man who we’ve paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to coach basketball, comes to talk to people about the basketball game they are about to watch, don’t bother to stop what they are doing for 5 f**king minutes to pay the slightest bit of respect to the man speaking, drives me up the wall. The table next to me was complaining that there was no white board, WHILE HE WAS TALKING ABOUT THE GAME. Every game people are running around, trying to get in line to feed their fat little faces, and don’t pay any respect to the person speaking. It’s hard to get up in front of hundreds of people to speak. It’s harder when they are rude as shit and act like you aren’t there. Our fans are the absolute worst. Maybe we should only do booze before the games and hold the food until after the game, maybe then people will get pissed off during the game because they are hungry and get loud. Right now they are all passive and quiet as damn church mice and look at me like I’ve shat on their god damned door steps when I yell during games.

Five Two

⭐️ Donor ⭐️
I hate the issue of fans has been a problem for years.

Dr Gunnie gave his $0.02 and I'll give mine. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. So lets take a different strategy. I see three areas of opportunity:

1. Current and lapsed ticket holders. We have already established personal connections (at some level) with these folks. Keep those we have coming and determine what it takes to bring backed lapsed fans.

2. Current students. Another group we already have access to. This provides both a short-term and long-term benefit. Short-term: Figure out what motivates Mason students to come to games and get creative with incentives. What current partners do we have that are appealing to students. Figure out how those partners can do in-game promos that benefit students. Free food comes to mind.
Long-term: by investing in students, figure some small percentage will become loyal like us. That grows group 1.

3. Youth/rec leagues. Gunnie hit it on the head. Connect with all those local leagues. Even reaching a small percentage will move the needle. Years ago I asked why we would schedule a 7pm tip on a Saturday in January knowing there would be NFL playoffs to compete with. I was told playing at noon meant we were playing at the same time as youth leagues. That makes sense, now lets get them in the building.

I wouldn't bother putting resources behind paid advertising and search marketing. We have to be honest and realistic about who our fans are and what we have to offer. And over the past decade, its not much. Focus on those three audiences above and maybe something changes.
Sorry, that was more than $0.02..........

dr. gunnie

Staff member
I hate stuff (don’t want to break the hate rules).

I understand everyone’s frustration, and people have a right to be frustrated… but, bitching on here however justified isn’t going to help solve the problem. I’m seeing our head coach tweeting about giving out pizza to students, and it’s frustrating that he has to do that. So, what could be legitimately do to help solve the problem?

As someone who lives 12 hours away, I can’t do much. Here’s one idea - probably dumb, but what about a or @By George. or Giant Killer “student of the game”? People who are interested can donate money (I was thinking like $50), and at the last TV timeout of each home game (we have 8 home games left, correct?), we have someone here who goes to the games pick a loud and vocal student to win the cash. If 8 people were interested in doing it, that’s a $50 reward, 16 people donate, we could do $100 a game. They just go up and give them cash and a thanks. Take a pic and George/Giant Killer posts it on Instagram and Twitter.

Just trying to think of something we could actually do to try and help the situation. Could be fun. If the winner told a couple friends and it led to a few more students or students who are reserved get a little louder, it would be worth it in my eyes.

Any other ideas?


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How about a student organization social before each game? Designate an area with free food and beer for student organizations to come eat and drink before each home game. Discuss the news of day, play some beer pong or boat races. Winner of the keg stand challenge gets an automatic entry into the half court shot to win a new chevy??


How about a student organization social before each game? Designate an area with free food and beer for student organizations to come eat and drink before each home game. Discuss the news of day, play some beer pong or boat races. Winner of the keg stand challenge gets an automatic entry into the half court shot to win a new chevy??
They did tailgates for students it bombed


I hate to agree. But damn the "lights out" intro is so lame. The music sucks. And it is entirely too long. Frankly very awkward and put me to sleep.

If they want to set the tone for a loud atmosphere, they've got to change the way they do intros. Get us pumped with one of the classic intro songs and keep it short. Then don't have a big long pause where nothing is going on while calling the players names. Maybe flip the order and do the big intro hype right before tip instead of before announcing lineups.


I hate to agree. But damn the "lights out" intro is so lame. The music sucks. And it is entirely too long. Frankly very awkward and put me to sleep.

If they want to set the tone for a loud atmosphere, they've got to change the way they do intros. Get us pumped with one of the classic intro songs and keep it short. Then don't have a big long pause where nothing is going on while calling the players names. Maybe flip the order and do the big intro hype right before tip instead of before announcing lineups.

I hate......Spot on! The intro video is ridiculously long and is played out. Need something shorter and more "aggressive". Also the New PA guy has disappeared the last 2 games, we've had some low energy old man on the mic, anyone know what's up with that?


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I hate......Spot on! The intro video is ridiculously long and is played out. Need something shorter and more "aggressive". Also the New PA guy has disappeared the last 2 games, we've had some low energy old man on the mic, anyone know what's up with that?

I hate that I outlined a fantastic intro (based on something English wanted) and the band/cheerleaders/student section didn’t take the layup.


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Back to ideas to pack eba, and along the lines of what Dr..Gunnie mentioned.....since it's called eagle BANK about have money fall from the ceiling every time there's a dunk or 3pter or a victory???


Staff member
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I hate that Mkaufman didn’t just make a new thread and move these fan posts over to it so the hate thread can get back to proper hate.

Bit the bullet and moved some of our posts to another thread so that they wouldn't get lost in the hate thread. Did the best I could with it, but at least now all the ideas from the recent discussion are together.