OT: Washington Freedom Cricket Stadium


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56 signatures so far:

"Why this petition matters​


Started by Nicholas Sorden

We are a community deeply rooted in the residential neighborhoods surrounding George Mason University. The proposed construction of a cricket stadium on Braddock Road by the university and Washington Freedom Cricket threatens to disrupt our peaceful existence. This large sports complex would fundamentally alter the character of our area, bringing with it increased noise, trash, parking congestion, and traffic.

Our local roads are already strained during weekends and university events. Imagine adding to this load with international professional cricket matches that attract upwards of 10,000 fans. The resulting traffic congestion would make commuting difficult for residents like us and unsafe for pedestrians who call this neighborhood home.

Moreover, we fear that this project will lead to an increase in littering within our community spaces as well as noise pollution that could disturb our daily lives. These concerns are not unfounded; they mirror experiences from other communities around the country where similar projects have been implemented.

We urge George Mason University and Washington Freedom Cricket to reconsider their plans for building a cricket stadium on Braddock Road. There must be alternative locations that can accommodate such a facility without disrupting residential life or putting pedestrians at risk.

Let's stand together as one community against this proposal which threatens our way of life in Fairfax, VA. Please sign this petition urging these organizations to halt their plans for constructing a cricket stadium on Braddock Road."
Typical NIMBY

I’ll just drop this argument here: [correlation doesn’t equal causation] post hoc ergo proptor hoc
Have a problem with spell check there at the end? :ROFLMAO:


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2 tweets is pretty regularly? One tweet to president only, and 2nd tweet to include the AD.

I’m sensing some hostility from you, and I’m not sure why. If I’m mistake, carry on.
Hostility? No. I may not like the way you talk about the basketball program, but, we need as many passionate fans/supporters as we can get. Now, do I find it irritating that you refuse to read the room, listen to any logic or look at this in a realistic manner and am I having a little fun at your expense? Most definitely!

In all seriousness, though, almost everyone on here would love to have football if we could guarantee there would be no negative impact on Basketball, but, the possibility of football at Mason is dead for the foreseeable future and I think you are refusing to see the reality of the situation. Here are some of the reasons I remember just off the top of my head:

Brad was the last shot at doing football until something changes in the landscape at Mason/Fairfax/College Funding/VA Law. He and Green (LOL) failed to raise any interest or money.

Mason's history of failing to rise to the occasion on things related to athletics: OCM situation, CKE situation as two prime examples. Whether this is incompetence or on purpose is debatable.

Inability to fund our athletics programs at a top level. If memory serves me, we are middle of the pack in A10 basketball funding. I wouldn't be surprised if we are even worse when it comes to other programs.

We seem to be unable or unwilling to raise large amounts of money for athletics projects (see practice facility that is two decades in the making...).

By VA law, we can't raise student fees for this type of venture.

Look at the costs from the article Pablo posted. Those costs are from over a decade ago, so at least triple them due to the level of price inflation since then. That is why I throw out a number like $500M to get a football program started and fund it without impact to Basketball.

Possibly the one time I'll ever quote (paraphrase at this point) TOC in a positive manner. "If Mason wants to spend tens to hundreds of millions of dollars so that fans can throw 8 tailgate parties a year, I'll be happy to oversee it."

Is our athletics department on a better path now, I believe and hope so. President seems to be focused on it and we seem to have hired a good AD. I will caution, though, that I have had this feeling in the past as well to be disappointed at a later date.

This will be my last post on the topic football for the time being. This is basketball season. Let's save the dead horse ( :cry:) topics for the off season.


⭐️ Donor ⭐️
Hostility? No. I may not like the way you talk about the basketball program, but, we need as many passionate fans/supporters as we can get. Now, do I find it irritating that you refuse to read the room, listen to any logic or look at this in a realistic manner and am I having a little fun at your expense? Most definitely!

In all seriousness, though, almost everyone on here would love to have football if we could guarantee there would be no negative impact on Basketball, but, the possibility of football at Mason is dead for the foreseeable future and I think you are refusing to see the reality of the situation. Here are some of the reasons I remember just off the top of my head:

Brad was the last shot at doing football until something changes in the landscape at Mason/Fairfax/College Funding/VA Law. He and Green (LOL) failed to raise any interest or money.

Mason's history of failing to rise to the occasion on things related to athletics: OCM situation, CKE situation as two prime examples. Whether this is incompetence or on purpose is debatable.

Inability to fund our athletics programs at a top level. If memory serves me, we are middle of the pack in A10 basketball funding. I wouldn't be surprised if we are even worse when it comes to other programs.

We seem to be unable or unwilling to raise large amounts of money for athletics projects (see practice facility that is two decades in the making...).

By VA law, we can't raise student fees for this type of venture.

Look at the costs from the article Pablo posted. Those costs are from over a decade ago, so at least triple them due to the level of price inflation since then. That is why I throw out a number like $500M to get a football program started and fund it without impact to Basketball.

Possibly the one time I'll ever quote (paraphrase at this point) TOC in a positive manner. "If Mason wants to spend tens to hundreds of millions of dollars so that fans can throw 8 tailgate parties a year, I'll be happy to oversee it."

Is our athletics department on a better path now, I believe and hope so. President seems to be focused on it and we seem to have hired a good AD. I will caution, though, that I have had this feeling in the past as well to be disappointed at a later date.

This will be my last post on the topic football for the time being. This is basketball season. Let's save the dead horse ( :cry:) topics for the off season.
I'll just add what I have said before, let's get our bball facilities up to top of the line, THEN see about football...or not.
Hostility? No. I may not like the way you talk about the basketball program, but, we need as many passionate fans/supporters as we can get. Now, do I find it irritating that you refuse to read the room, listen to any logic or look at this in a realistic manner and am I having a little fun at your expense? Most definitely!

In all seriousness, though, almost everyone on here would love to have football if we could guarantee there would be no negative impact on Basketball, but, the possibility of football at Mason is dead for the foreseeable future and I think you are refusing to see the reality of the situation. Here are some of the reasons I remember just off the top of my head:

Brad was the last shot at doing football until something changes in the landscape at Mason/Fairfax/College Funding/VA Law. He and Green (LOL) failed to raise any interest or money.

Mason's history of failing to rise to the occasion on things related to athletics: OCM situation, CKE situation as two prime examples. Whether this is incompetence or on purpose is debatable.

Inability to fund our athletics programs at a top level. If memory serves me, we are middle of the pack in A10 basketball funding. I wouldn't be surprised if we are even worse when it comes to other programs.

We seem to be unable or unwilling to raise large amounts of money for athletics projects (see practice facility that is two decades in the making...).

By VA law, we can't raise student fees for this type of venture.

Look at the costs from the article Pablo posted. Those costs are from over a decade ago, so at least triple them due to the level of price inflation since then. That is why I throw out a number like $500M to get a football program started and fund it without impact to Basketball.

Possibly the one time I'll ever quote (paraphrase at this point) TOC in a positive manner. "If Mason wants to spend tens to hundreds of millions of dollars so that fans can throw 8 tailgate parties a year, I'll be happy to oversee it."

Is our athletics department on a better path now, I believe and hope so. President seems to be focused on it and we seem to have hired a good AD. I will caution, though, that I have had this feeling in the past as well to be disappointed at a later date.

This will be my last post on the topic football for the time being. This is basketball season. Let's save the dead horse ( :cry:) topics for the off season.
What gives me pause about football Brian is I honestly don’t know if it would draw fans once the novelty wore off. I’m somewhat open to it but would people in this area venture out for football games against Dayton or Delaware? OR would people view it as LESS than D1 (Terps and Hokies) We’re lucky we fill half of EBA as it is. Also we would probably struggle out of the gate as most teams do. The winning comes years later once the program is established….


Hall of Famer
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We ain't getting football unless somone gives a 500 million bucks and we have direct membership to the SEC. Aint happening.


⭐️ Donor ⭐️
What gives me pause about football Brian is I honestly don’t know if it would draw fans once the novelty wore off. I’m somewhat open to it but would people in this area venture out for football games against Dayton or Delaware? OR would people view it as LESS than D1 (Terps and Hokies) We’re lucky we fill half of EBA as it is. Also we would probably struggle out of the gate as most teams do. The winning comes years later once the program is established….
I agree, although ODU rocketed out of the gate.


⭐️ Donor ⭐️
Possibly the one time I'll ever quote (paraphrase at this point) TOC in a positive manner. "If Mason wants to spend tens to hundreds of millions of dollars so that fans can throw 8 tailgate parties a year, I'll be happy to oversee it."

I can hear TOC pitching to the BoV…just imagine a little side door over here…


⭐️ Donor ⭐️
Hostility? No. I may not like the way you talk about the basketball program, but, we need as many passionate fans/supporters as we can get. Now, do I find it irritating that you refuse to read the room, listen to any logic or look at this in a realistic manner and am I having a little fun at your expense? Most definitely!

In all seriousness, though, almost everyone on here would love to have football if we could guarantee there would be no negative impact on Basketball, but, the possibility of football at Mason is dead for the foreseeable future and I think you are refusing to see the reality of the situation. Here are some of the reasons I remember just off the top of my head:

Brad was the last shot at doing football until something changes in the landscape at Mason/Fairfax/College Funding/VA Law. He and Green (LOL) failed to raise any interest or money.

Mason's history of failing to rise to the occasion on things related to athletics: OCM situation, CKE situation as two prime examples. Whether this is incompetence or on purpose is debatable.

Inability to fund our athletics programs at a top level. If memory serves me, we are middle of the pack in A10 basketball funding. I wouldn't be surprised if we are even worse when it comes to other programs.

We seem to be unable or unwilling to raise large amounts of money for athletics projects (see practice facility that is two decades in the making...).

By VA law, we can't raise student fees for this type of venture.

Look at the costs from the article Pablo posted. Those costs are from over a decade ago, so at least triple them due to the level of price inflation since then. That is why I throw out a number like $500M to get a football program started and fund it without impact to Basketball.

Possibly the one time I'll ever quote (paraphrase at this point) TOC in a positive manner. "If Mason wants to spend tens to hundreds of millions of dollars so that fans can throw 8 tailgate parties a year, I'll be happy to oversee it."

Is our athletics department on a better path now, I believe and hope so. President seems to be focused on it and we seem to have hired a good AD. I will caution, though, that I have had this feeling in the past as well to be disappointed at a later date.

This will be my last post on the topic football for the time being. This is basketball season. Let's save the dead horse ( :cry:) topics for the off season.
Correct me if I'm wrong but student fees are capped at a certain percentage of athletics budget and Mason hasn't hit the cap yet, no? My understanding is we could raise the fee a bit, but just not to whatever number we want.


Hall of Famer
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Correct me if I'm wrong but student fees are capped at a certain percentage of athletics budget and Mason hasn't hit the cap yet, no? My understanding is we could raise the fee a bit, but just not to whatever number we want.
Yes but the money is limited to where it can go.


Staff member
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Correct me if I'm wrong but student fees are capped at a certain percentage of athletics budget and Mason hasn't hit the cap yet, no? My understanding is we could raise the fee a bit, but just not to whatever number we want.
We would need general assembly approval for any increase that is directed to athletics. IIRC, ODU and JMU both got shot down when they tried it.


⭐️ Donor ⭐️
We would need general assembly approval for any increase that is directed to athletics. IIRC, ODU and JMU both got shot down when they tried it.
I mean, not sure what they went for but for Mason I think it would be easy to justify money going towards the arena or a replacement considering it isn't purely for athletics and brings in tax revenue.


Hall of Famer
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I mean, not sure what they went for but for Mason I think it would be easy to justify money going towards the arena or a replacement considering it isn't purely for athletics and brings in tax revenue.

You wouldn’t fund a new arena with student fees.

I’m also curious to know what, if any, other professional teams are investing in our new athletics village the Freedom owner said there were two other teams coming in but I’ve heard nothing about it since then.